What is educational technology?

As time goes on, use of technology is increasing day by day. Everyone knows that the Internet and technology have made the world so small that everything is possible with just in single click. And in terms of education, technology and education nowadays are interrelated as we are discovering and implementing new ways of learning with the help of technology. Educational technology helps the students, to learn and understand the material, and it can also be used as a tool for communication and research. From that article, “Benefits of Ed tech in the classroom”, I get to know about the benefits of using educational technology in our classroom as it helps to increase the engagement, collaboration, productivity and creativity among students.

Image source-https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2C8APHC/educational-technology-word-concepts-banner-e-learning-digital-education-infographics-with-linear-icons-on-violet-background-isolated-typography-2C8APHC.jpg

Educational technology breaks the boredom of the classes, it completely replaced the traditional classrooms, as it helps the students in keeping them engaged, builds the strong base of knowledge and triggers the curiosity of the children. Moreover, it introduced the concept of teaching with the help of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D printing and various other methods to make education interesting and thoughtful.

During Covid-19, the online class has played an important role in imparting knowledge to the students. As well as all the educational institutions are offering online courses to students which helps them to improve their learning experience. Moreover, I am also attending my online classes from the last year, so I must say technology in education is entirely changed the educational system.

Image source-https://tech.ed.gov/files/2021/12/NETP-slide.png

From that article, “School work and Surveillance”, I found this quote, “Technologies designed to prevent or identify cheating”, very interesting as it talks about the importance of surveillance in education. In addition, this article, “History of Ed tech” talks about the importance of educational technology, and discussed that educational technology helps in oral communication, written communication, broadcasting and video, and many more.

“We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand because it is the pen and paper of our time”                -David Warlick

Thank you

Lovepreet kaur

7 thoughts on “What is educational technology?

  1. hello lovepreet,
    thanks for yor blog post. i totally agree with you Using technology in the classroom helps students be more engaged, collaborative, productive, and creative. The use of educational technology reduces classroom boredom and students take more interest in studies, nowadays there are so many apps and audiovisual materials available that helps to make interesting teaching learning more intrest

  2. Thank you for your thoughts on this week’s readings. I do agree with you that educational technology can break the boredom of specific classroom scenarios. However, I would like to counter that tech for the sake of engagement only is not a responsible or sustainable choice long term.

  3. Thank you for your post Lovepreet. While I agree that the pandemic pushed the necessity of online learning spaces to the forefront (and forced people such as myself to embrace new technologies), I do not believe that it can completely replace traditional classrooms over the long term. By not attending classes in person students are missing out on important elements of socialization, and practical and applied arts (such as cooking, carpentry, and automotive mechanics) are not conducive to an online environment. The counter point to this is that students with social anxiety, or ongoing medical issues may be more comfortable attending online classes. There is a lot to unpack here – thank you for your thoughts.

  4. Thank you Lovepreet for your post! I would agree that during online learning, technology in (well actually out of the classroom) took off. For myself, this evolved me as a teacher with educational technology as I needed to find ways to engage the students and stay connected. Educational tech. has many advantages to it, but it can be a trade-off as Postman (1998) suggests. Do you think there is any disadvantages to technology in the classroom? Why or why not? Do you think educational technology works for all? Looking forward to your response!

  5. Hello Lovepreet,

    Thank you so much for sharing your insights. I agree wholeheartedly that using educational technology in the classroom helps to break up the monotony and boredom of the lecture.I read the article “School work and Surveillance,” and while I may not agree with it totally, I do believe that some form of surveillance will be useful for instructors and students in order to improve the effectiveness of this online learning.

  6. Hello Lovepreet,

    Thank you so much for sharing your insights. I agree wholeheartedly that using educational technology in the classroom helps to break up the monotony and boredom of the lecture.I read the article “School work and Surveillance,” and while I may not agree with it totally, I do believe that some form of surveillance will be useful for instructors and students in order to improve the effectiveness of this online learning.

  7. I totally agree with your thoughts Lovepreet, Technology has been changing the education system for a long time and we all are happily adapting the same in our lives. The implementation of technology also creates pathways for differentiated instruction to meet the unique needs of students as individual learners within a broader classroom climate.

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